Update time as we approach the 6 month mark !.
In all honesty we haven’t got too much to report, Io is still doing well and we have all now settled down to life with a Tripawd. The only real “problem” we have had was just how much we let him return to his old ways of charging around the woods trying to keep the local rabbit population in check, in the end we have decided that we didn’t come through all of this stress and cost to have him lead a restricted life so we let him get on with it just like he did on 4 legs (sometimes you just have to not look !! ) .
I am not sure if other Tripawds owners find this but if he does have a fall then it is actually always at walking speed or when standing, when he runs it is actually quite hard to see that he is missing a leg. He did manage to topple head first into his water bowl the other day, I think he couldn’t be bothered to take an extra hop forward that he really needed and over stretched when leaning forward thus slowly toppling head first into the bowl (yes – I know I shouldn’t have laughed ).
We now incorporate a rest into the walks to give his a bit of a rest, he seem to quite enjoy the stops and a lie down although we suspect that he thinks we actually need the rest !. Having a rest is never actually a great problem as so many people stop and chat to us about him, it is always nice how many say “how happy” he looks. We always tell them he is but not as happy as us to still have him with us 🙂
A few piccies for the past few weeks
Io and co

WAY TO GO IO! 🙂 Lookin’ good… thanks for the great update!
Way to go, and congrats on 6 months! Chili Dawg usually only falls when it’s at a walk too, it’s not usually when he’s running.
As I looked at the photographs and read his story, my heart went out to him and his family. I pray a happy life for Io and a long one. God is good and he will be one among many in my prayers.
Lovely update. He’s such a magnificent boy! And such a smiley face.
He IS a happy boy.
And about the water bowl – I would have laughed out loud too.
Io, you are simply incredible. We are hoppy to hear from you my friend, we’ve missed you.
Congratulations! Six months is such a huge deal. May you have many many more ampuversaries to celebrate!