Time for an update as it has been too long (we have been taking a bit of a break after the last few traumatic months 🙂 ).
Io had his last chemo treatment a couple of weeks ago and so now that is the end of the scheduled trips to the vets !!. We had no side effects at all from this treatment although Io does now seem to have forgotten his regular visits to the vets and has returned to being very scared and trembling whilst there. We had to explain to the poor Chemo vet that this is how he always used to be as she was desperately worried that she had done something to make him so scared all of a sudden after his previous (fairly) relaxed visits
Io continues to make good progress and we have even started to take him for walks around the woods that used to be his regular haunt, we can’t take him round the really rough stuff but he really enjoys it and happily gets around on his three legs, he even had a huge wolfie play with his sister in the garden last week although it did end up with an over optimistic high speed cornering attempt that ending with his front leg sliding out from under him but he managed to break his fall nicely with his face giving him a fantastic grass stain on the left side of his face and neck !!!. He have noticed that his stamina can be erratic, one day he will seem to be full of energy and want to keep going while others he seems to get tired very quickly and seems to struggle a little bit physically which worried us greatly at first but I think we have simply come to terms that he had good and bad days with the energy like we all do.
But overall it is nice to have the Vets visits behind us and settle down to enjoy the time we now have with Io in the knowledge that we so made the right decision for the little boy !!

Congratulations on your last chemo treatment! I don’t know about naming Lo’s tongue…I think it needs its own postal code 🙂
getting that chemo behind you is definitely reason to celebrate!!! we know what you mean ‘good days and bad days’…but enjoying every moment is the secret!! don’t forget to include plenty of medicinal naps in your routine io…napping is a priority!!
gayle & charon
Our Tate just started chemo today so it’s nice to see what the end of the road looks like. Thanks for sharing!
Lookin’ good there Io, really good! Thanks for the update.
Io, it’s great to hear from you! “Little Boy”…hahahaha! You? Hahahahaha!!! You’re a GIANT boy!
Good days and bad days, that’s the thing about this cancer. Just pace yourself my friend, you’ve got lots of time to love life and give it your all. We’re so glad to hear that you’re doing well. Keep it up!