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quick update

Sorry for the big gap, we’ve had phone and internet problems which have made trying to post anything impossible. Anyway, Io had his third lot of chemo on 22nd February. He wasn’t keen this time which is disappointing because everyone there is lovely and really makes a big effort. We think it might be because as far as Io’s concerned everything is back to normal and there is no reason for him to go to the vets! His last session is in a couple of weeks and I hope he behaves himself at that one!! He has proved he is capable of towing someone across the floor and still staying upright and well balanced but this isn’t necessarily a talent we think he needs to show off a lot ;-).
He was also noticably quiet for a couple of days after the chemo but we think it may have simply been that he is doing so well lately it was more noticable this time, he is now back to himself and continuing to do all of things we thought we wouldn’t see again – Jumping a ditch was his achievement this week !

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  1. Your posts always make me smile! I have a vision of Io towing some poor vet tech across the room in his desire to go home.
    He sounds like he is doing great!

    Karen and the pugapalooza

  2. What a dear. I seriously adore Io’s face. 🙂

    WIth Catie, as time went on, we too found she would be increasingly more subdued, weary and lethargic after each chemo treatment and it took her longer to bounce back. We were glad when the treatments were done, as I’m sure you and Io will be. Only one more session and your big boy is done. YAY!

    Jumping ditches. That’s too funny. 🙂

  3. thank you for all the nice comments 🙂 He actually towed the oncologist across the floor-he doesn’t seem to understand the idea of being nice/polite to the people who decide what’s happening to you! Cobweb and I are also in favour of naps, medicinal or otherwise but Io is waiting to go out as soon as he’s had his breakfast 🙂 We thought we were just noticing it more after chemo but perhaps it really was worse if Catie was doing the same, a lady who works at our vets has a great dane who got fed up with the chemo as time went on. I don’t know all the details but her dane is more than 2 years post amputation and is the dog which changed our vets mind as to whether big dogs can cope with amputation so it’s a good story all round 🙂 I thought Io would walk in and then out of the ditch, I really wish Rog could have seen him-I was most impressed!!

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