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chemo round 2

Io had his second lot of chemo today. Last time he lay there calmly and was a very good boy. This time he decided to wander off part way through and pulled the catheter out. Ooops, I’ll take him for a longer walk before the next one! One of the nurses took some pics of him to show other nurses she’s training that a big dog can cope well with amputation. I’m going to send her some videos of him running about being happy 🙂 I’ve told her about the site and will include the web address in my email so she can show everybody all the big happy tripawds-and the lil happy tripawds too!! It is lovely to think that we might be helping other dogs to have a chance at life with 3 legs rather than thinking they won’t be able to manage. Io has only fallen over twice since he came home 1st January. The first time he had his harness on and stood on his bed to have a good old shake-I think he slipped and he certainly blamed me! The second time he was trying to arrange his chew bone (still hasn’t perfected his technique but he’ll get there) and I think he just forgot and tried to put a phantom paw on it. He did yelp when he went down and it did frighten me, but in true doggy form he forgot about it straight away, it was just me worrying about it all night. The worst part about chemo so far is definitely the lack of breakfast before we go. I got throroughly told off because it was late and then told off again later when it didn’t appear at all.

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  1. Congratulations on getting through your second round of chemo! Io is such a good-lookin’ guy (we like those hairy dogs!), and he sounds like quite the character. And the way they can scare the bejeebers out of us then pick up and go on without a second thought! Boy, if that isn’t one of the best things about canine kids – They do live in the moment!

    I can imagine the lack of breakfast could be disconcerning for a guy. Sylvia’s oncologist has not instructed us to skip any meals on chemo days. I wonder why, in some cases vets advise no breakfast on chemo days and others don’t. At any rate – Sylvie and her family wish you a nice, uneventful recovery and chemo period!

    Karen and Sweet Sylvie

  2. Two rounds down. Awesome, Io!!

    Weird. Catie was allowed breakie on chemo days too. Poor Io. The chemo’s one thing; but missing breakfast is another altogether. Sheesh. 🙂

    Happy to hear he continues to do so well.

  3. Yea Io!!! Why no breakfast- are they worried about nausea?? Mag always got to eat too.
    Keep up the good work- and way to show the vet how big dogs get it done!!

    Karen and the pugapalooza

  4. hmmm, might have to try to convince the vets he should have brekkie if 3 out of 3 others are OK to have theirs! I think it’s just routine in case he needs anaesthesia but his specialist told us she’s only ever had to sedate two dogs in her entire career and I’m not certain you’d give chemo drugs on top of other ones anyway. It definitely is the only bit that bothers me-and him! I did wonder if he got up to go and look for some food, poor staving baby ;-))

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