OK, so I think that yesterday we may have slighly overdone it. Io was quite stiff today which was a little worrying. I think some strict discipline may be in order over the next few weeks as Io seems to think he is ready to go out at any point for any distance. It is a little hard taking him out and watching him tire so quickly when you can see his head is desperate for a monumental walk

but I suppose this is a part of the learning process for us all.
So, time for a bit of a light hearted observational stuff – Now that he has being going out , One interesting aspects of coming to terms with a Tripawd has been the reaction of people to meeting him. It appears that the sight of a large three legged dog is not as straightforward as we would have thought , so far we think we have identifed 4 different manifestations of Io that people seem to see and so have catogorised them as follows :-
1. Io the three Legged Dog
In fairness, this is most people, they simply see him as a three legged Dog and will come up and ask about him and actually be quite impressed when they hear it was less then 3 weeks ago when he had the operation.
Now we come to the more entertaining versions that a few people seem to see ! these are :-
2. Io the Mutant Dog
People who see Mutant Dog tend to have a shocked look on their face and then rapidly head the other way (dragging their own Dog with them is optional) !!. In fairness he does have an impressive scar but he really is not that scary !!!
3. Io the Zombie Dog
People who see Zombie Dog will come up to us ask about him and then express their deepest condolonces and tell us how “very sorry they are” in pretty much the same fashion as if we have lost him. As far as we are aware Io is still very much with us nor has he plans to be starring in any Zombie type films as the “living dead” at the moment !
4. Io the Circus Dog
My personal favourite. People who see Io the Circus Dog have a tendency to point at him rather excitedly and exclaim loudly – “Hey, its a giant 3 legged dog, BRILLIANT !! – hey everyone come and see the three legged Dog”. Highly amusing but perhaps a little overwhelming at times :-).
As I said this is just a bit of fun and no offence is meant or taken but sometimes that inital reaction just can’t be disguised – LOL
LOL! That was very good 🙂
I needed a chuckle and that did it for me. 🙂 🙂
Circus Dog? Too funny… Maybe Io needs to check out some of the Tripawds Gifts inspired by Floyd the Amazing Three Legged Pooch! 🙂