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This is the blog of Io the Irish Wolfhound and his entry into the illustrious Tripawd club

Io was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his left front leg shortly two days before  Christmas,  a scan showed that the cancer was confined to the leg  and so we are able to make the decison to have the affected leg removed. 

We have decided to chart his “adventures” so that we can hopefully give inspiration and and information to help other in this difficult situation as all of the blogs and post on this forum have helped us !.

A little bit about Io

Io is called that (as in the moon of Juipter) for no particular reason. Although I do admit to a very childish smirk when people ocaasionally ask how you spell it and I can reply I-O !!.

He is a 4 year old male Irish Wolfhound and lives in the UK in a village just outside Bedford (50 miles north of London) with hig big sister Cobweb (female wolfhound).

Io is a friendly boy although not exactly the smartest cookie, however cruel rumours that is full name is actually “Io,  Big head – nothing in it ” are completely untrue.

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  2. Welcome to this family. As you know, this family is a bittersweet one. But we are happy to have another member to get to know and love.

    This website and community are the BEST!! You will make fast friends from all over the world that you can turn to on your best and most importantly your worst days and get the love and support you will need to make it through the day/week/year.

    When is IO scheduled for surgery??

    As you will find out quickly, we love information and most importantly – pictures.

    All the best to you and IO.


    P.S. You said something about a cookie – we don’t care if they are smart, just as long as they are yummy. Bazinga!!!

    1. Thanks for the welcome. Io is starting chemotherapy tomorrow, once that course if finished we can then only hope for the best and that he is with us as long as possible in the sad way of the Osteosarcoma sufferer . So far everything seems to be going well following the amputation(actually we both admitted today that we have a slight feeling of trepidation at the moment as everything seems to be going almost too well )

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