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A bit more on Io’s name and lil progress report

hi, Io’s mum Mitch here (prev posts are from Io’s dad, Rog)

Rog mentioned that he first heard Io’s name as it’s the name of one of Jupiters moons, on which a probe had landed at more or less the same time we adopted our Io.  The original Io was a figure in Greek myth, one of Hera’s handmaidens.  She was seduced by Zeus and turned into a heifer (female cow that hasn’t calved) in order to save her from him.  Lots more happens to her afterwards!  One of my Greek friends told me it should be pronounced ‘ee-o’ as it’s also a Greek letter.  If we’d been saying it properly we could have changed it to ‘Trio’!! 

He’s going to start chemotherapy tomorrow so we’ll post more then, I’m interested to see how the UK will differ from the US treatment wise.  It already seems different as he was off pain meds by the time he came home on day 3, I’ve got the impression from what I’ve read on the site that US dogs stay on them a lot longer?  He’s on rimadyl for arthritis anyway, and glucosamine sulphate (synoquin) for the same reason.  He had 2 different antibiotics in tablet form when he came home, noroclav and antirobe, but they only lasted for another 5 days (7 days in total).  His stitches come out tomorrow before we go onto the oncologists-2 different vets and no breakfast 🙁  It’s the lack of breakfast I feel guiltiest about, poor baby.

Thank you so much for all your information, advice,comments and replies, they all mean a lot to us 🙂

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  1. We’re happy to see a blog for Io, Mitch and Rog!

    Sounds like Io’s recovery has been smooth. What a beautiful face he has, by the way!

    Oh, denying food is the worst, isn’t it?! Especially when there’s more than one to feed. If Cobweb is like any other sibling, I’m sure she’ll offer to have Io’s portion so it doesn’t go to waste.

    Good luck at the oncologist’s tomorrow!

  2. Thanks for the update! And the Greek history lesson. 😉

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